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What Common Work Incidents Violate The Labor Law?

What Common Work Incidents Violate The Labor Law? It’s sad to think that in this day and age, unfairness and injustice still roam the workplace. No matter how much effort our legislators and representatives put into improving labor conditions, some companies...

Getting By After A Workplace Accident

Getting By After A Workplace Accident We know. After hearing it first-hand from our clients, we know how hard it is to be involved in a workplace accident. It can be traumatizing, even. And while you thank your lucky stars that you survived the ordeal, you can’t...

Dealing With A Bad Boss

Dealing With A Bad Boss A blue collar job isn’t so bad, they say. Most are routine jobs anyone can learn to do, after all. It doesn’t involve much responsibility and it ends the moment your shift is over. But really, what do they know? What do all these onlookers...

Can You Work While Receiving Benefits?

Can You Work While Receiving Benefits? In the world of state-issued benefits, this is a pretty sensitive question. Still, it’s something recuperating employees (like yourself maybe) would like to know. After all, just because you’re sick or injured doesn’t mean...

Who Will You Call? Disability Lawyers!

“Accidents happen every minute.” Do you believe in these words? That, as we blindingly and uncaringly live our lives, people out there get tangled up in all sorts of trouble. They’re kind of people who, just like us, are living their lives unaware of what’s...

Why Seek Legal Counsel For Work-Related Accidents

The problem with us people is that we are often overwhelmed by our “can do” attitude. We often refuse any help coming from others – oftentimes, for reasons that are very immature. “I don’t need your help. I can manage.” “I...
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